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. Karlson, Kristian Bernt 2015-01-01 This paper takes another look at the derivation of the method of Y-standardization used in sociological analysis involving comparisons of coefficients across logit or probit models. It shows that the method can be derived under less restrictive assumptions than hitherto suggested. Dagenais, Denyse L. 1984-01-01 After a review of the disadvantages of linear models for estimating the probability of academic success from previous school records and admission test results, the use of a probit model is proposed. The model is illustrated with admissions data from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Montreal.

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(Author/BW). Jaka Nugraha 2012-02-01 Full Text Available In the research field of transportation, market research and politics, often involving the response of the multinomial multivariate observations. In this paper, we discused a modeling of multivariate multinomial responses using probit model. The estimated parameters were calculated using Maximum Likelihood Estimations (MLE based on the GHK simulation.

Method known as Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimations (SMLE. Likelihood function on the Probit model contains probability values that must be resolved by simulation. By using the GHK simulation algorithm, the estimator equation has been obtained for the parameters in the model Probit Keywords: Probit Model, Newton-Raphson Iteration, GHK simulator, MLE, simulated log-likelihood. Herbert, Donald 1997-01-01 Purpose: To describe the concept, models, and methods for the construction of estimates of joint probability of uncomplicated control of tumors in radiation oncology. Interpolations using this model can lead to the identification of more efficient treatment regimens for an individual patient. The requirement to find the treatment regimen that will maximize the joint probability of uncomplicated control of tumors suggests a new class of evolutionary experimental designs-Response Surface Methods-for clinical trials in radiation oncology.

Methods and Materials: The software developed by Lesaffre and Molenberghs is used to construct bivariate probit models of the joint probability of uncomplicated control of cancer of the oropharynx from a set of 45 patients for each of whom the presence/absence of recurrent tumor (the binary event E-bar 1 /E 1 ) and the presence/absence of necrosis (the binary event E 2 /E-bar 2 ) of the normal tissues of the target volume is recorded, together with the treatment variables dose, time, and fractionation. Results: The bivariate probit model can be used to select a treatment regime that will give a specified probability, say P(S) = 0.60, of uncomplicated control of tumor by interpolation within a set of treatment regimes with known outcomes of recurrence and necrosis. The bivariate probit model can be used to guide a sequence of clinical trials to find the maximum probability of uncomplicated control of tumor for patients in a given prognostic stratum using Response Surface methods by extrapolation from an initial set of treatment regimens.

Conclusions: The design of treatments for individual patients and the design of clinical trials might be improved by use of a bivariate probit model and Response Surface Methods. Candel, Math J J M; Van Breukelen, Gerard J P 2010-06-30 Adjustments of sample size formulas are given for varying cluster sizes in cluster randomized trials with a binary outcome when testing the treatment effect with mixed effects logistic regression using second- order penalized quasi-likelihood estimation (PQL). Starting from first- order marginal quasi-likelihood (MQL) estimation of the treatment effect, the asymptotic relative efficiency of unequal versus equal cluster sizes is derived. A Monte Carlo simulation study shows this asymptotic relative efficiency to be rather accurate for realistic sample sizes, when employing second- order PQL. An approximate, simpler formula is presented to estimate the efficiency loss due to varying cluster sizes when planning a trial. In many cases sampling 14 per cent more clusters is sufficient to repair the efficiency loss due to varying cluster sizes.

Since current closed-form formulas for sample size calculation are based on first- order MQL, planning a trial also requires a conversion factor to obtain the variance of the second- order PQL estimator. In a second Monte Carlo study, this conversion factor turned out to be 1.25 at most. (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Johnston Neil W 2010-06-01 Full Text Available Abstract Background A zero-inflated continuous outcome is characterized by occurrence of 'excess' zeros that more than a single distribution can explain, with the positive observations forming a skewed distribution. Mixture models are employed for regression analysis of zero-inflated data. Moreover, for repeated measures zero-inflated data the clustering structure should also be modeled for an adequate analysis.

Methods Diary of Asthma and Viral Infections Study (DAVIS was a one year (2004 cohort study conducted at McMaster University to monitor viral infection and respiratory symptoms in children aged 5-11 years with and without asthma. Respiratory symptoms were recorded daily using either an Internet or paper-based diary. Changes in symptoms were assessed by study staff and led to collection of nasal fluid specimens for virological testing. The study objectives included investigating the response of respiratory symptoms to respiratory viral infection in children with and without asthma over a one year period. Due to sparse data daily respiratory symptom scores were aggregated into weekly average scores. More than 70% of the weekly average scores were zero, with the positive scores forming a skewed distribution. We propose a random effects probit/log-skew-normal mixture model to analyze the DAVIS data.

The model parameters were estimated using a maximum marginal likelihood approach. A simulation study was conducted to assess the performance of the proposed mixture model if the underlying distribution of the positive response is different from log-skew normal. Results Viral infection status was highly significant in both probit and log-skew normal model components respectively. The probability of being symptom free was much lower for the week a child was viral positive relative to the week she/he was viral negative. The severity of the symptoms was also greater for the week a child was viral positive. The probability of being symptom free was. Spady, Richard; Stouli, Sami 2012-01-01 We propose dual regression as an alternative to the quantile regression process for the global estimation of conditional distribution functions under minimal assumptions.

Dual regression provides all the interpretational power of the quantile regression process while avoiding the need for repairing the intersecting conditional quantile surfaces that quantile regression often produces in practice. Our approach introduces a mathematical programming characterization of conditional distribution f. Mingguang, Zhang; Juncheng, Jiang 2008-10-30 Overpressure is one important cause of domino effect in accidents of chemical process equipments.

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Damage probability and relative threshold value are two necessary parameters in QRA of this phenomenon. Some simple models had been proposed based on scarce data or oversimplified assumption. Hence, more data about damage to chemical process equipments were gathered and analyzed, a quantitative relationship between damage probability and damage degrees of equipment was built, and reliable probit models were developed associated to specific category of chemical process equipments.

Finally, the improvements of present models were evidenced through comparison with other models in literatures, taking into account such parameters: consistency between models and data, depth of quantitativeness in QRA. Yue, Chen; Chen, Shaojie; Sair, Haris I; Airan, Raag; Caffo, Brian S 2015-09-01 Data reproducibility is a critical issue in all scientific experiments. In this manuscript, the problem of quantifying the reproducibility of graphical measurements is considered. The image intra-class correlation coefficient (I2C2) is generalized and the graphical intra-class correlation coefficient (GICC) is proposed for such purpose. The concept for GICC is based on multivariate probit-linear mixed effect models. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo EM (mcm-cEM) algorithm is used for estimating the GICC.

Simulation results with varied settings are demonstrated and our method is applied to the KIRBY21 test-retest dataset. Varanasi, S. 1988-01-01 Order of model determined easily. Linear- regression algorithhm includes recursive equations for coefficients of model of increased order. Algorithm eliminates duplicative calculations, facilitates search for minimum order of linear- regression model fitting set of data satisfactory. Sato, Toru; Watanabe, Yuji; Toyota, Koji; Ishizaka, Joji 2005-09-01 The direct injection of CO(2) in the deep ocean is a promising way to mitigate global warming. One of the uncertainties in this method, however, is its impact on marine organisms in the near field.

Since the concentration of CO(2), which organisms experience in the ocean, changes with time, it is required to develop a biological impact model for the organisms against the unsteady change of CO(2) concentration. In general, the LC(50) concept is widely applied for testing a toxic agent for the acute mortality.

Here, we regard the probit-transformed mortality as a linear function not only of the concentration of CO(2) but also of exposure time. A simple mathematical transform of the function gives a damage-accumulation mortality model for zooplankton. In this article, this model was validated by the mortality test of Metamphiascopsis hirsutus against the transient change of CO(2) concentration. Ohta, A.T.; Kaneshiro, K.Y.; Kurihara, J.S.; Kanegawa, K.M.; Nagamine, L.R. 1985-01-01 The probit 9 concept requires that a given treatment result in 99.9968 percent mortality in an estimated population of 100,000 individuals.

The USDA-Hawaiian Fruit Fly Investigations Laboratory has determined that 0.26 kGy is the minimum absorbed dose of gamma-radiation required to prevent adult emergence of the three species of fruit flies in Hawaii: the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata; the Oriental fruit fly, Dacus dorsalis; and the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae. However, at dosages higher than 0.26 kGy, the authors observed relatively high rates of egg hatch (10-30 percent). In addition, when eggs are treated at 0.26 kGy, those larvae that do hatch may develop into third instar larvae, and their feeing may decrease the marketability of the fruits. Furthermore, there is some uncertainty as to whether or not importing countries would accept fruits with any living larvae in the shipment. For these reasons, the authors tried to determine the minimum absorbed dosages required to obtain mortality in mature eggs and larvae of the medfly. Results of the research showed that although high egg and larval mortality was observed at dosages of 0.50 to 0.60 kGy in nearly all of the fruit types and varieties studied, 100 percent mortality of mature eggs and larvae was not attained at these dosages.

Nevertheless, the authors think that an increase in the minimum absorbed dose higher than that determined using the probit 9 concept (i.e., 0.26 kGy) should be considered because they were able to ascertain that, at dosages from 0.40 to 0.60 kGy, not only is egg hatch greatly reduced but the larvae hatching from these eggs developed only to the late first or early second larval instar stages. Zhang, Hongyang; Welch, William J.; Zamar, Ruben H. 2017-01-01 Tomal et al. (2015) introduced the notion of 'phalanxes' in the context of rare-class detection in two-class classification problems. A phalanx is a subset of features that work well for classification tasks. In this paper, we propose a different class of phalanxes for application in regression settings. We define a ' Regression Phalanx' - a subset of features that work well together for prediction.

We propose a novel algorithm which automatically chooses Regression Phalanxes from high-dimensi. Tsair-Fwu Lee 2015-01-01 Full Text Available To develop the logistic and the probit models to analyse electromyographic (EMG equivalent uniform voltage- (EUV- response for the tenderness of tennis elbow. In total, 78 hands from 39 subjects were enrolled. In this study, surface EMG (sEMG signal is obtained by an innovative device with electrodes over forearm region. The analytical endpoint was defined as Visual Analog Score (VAS 3+ tenderness of tennis elbow.

The logistic and the probit diseased probability (DP models were established for the VAS score and EMG absolute voltage-time histograms (AVTH. TV50 is the threshold equivalent uniform voltage predicting a 50% risk of disease.

Twenty-one out of 78 samples (27% developed VAS 3+ tenderness of tennis elbow reported by the subject and confirmed by the physician. The fitted DP parameters were TV50 = 153.0 mV (CI: 136.3–169.7 mV, γ50 = 0.84 (CI: 0.78–0.90 and TV50 = 155.6 mV (CI: 138.9–172.4 mV, m = 0.54 (CI: 0.49–0.59 for logistic and probit models, respectively. When the EUV ≥ 153 mV, the DP of the patient is greater than 50% and vice versa. The logistic and the probit models are valuable tools to predict the DP of VAS 3+ tenderness of tennis elbow. Lin, Wei-Chun; Lin, Shu-Yuan; Wu, Li-Fu; Guo, Shih-Sian; Huang, Hsiang-Jui; Chao, Pei-Ju 2015-01-01 To develop the logistic and the probit models to analyse electromyographic (EMG) equivalent uniform voltage- (EUV-) response for the tenderness of tennis elbow. In total, 78 hands from 39 subjects were enrolled. In this study, surface EMG (sEMG) signal is obtained by an innovative device with electrodes over forearm region.

The analytical endpoint was defined as Visual Analog Score (VAS) 3+ tenderness of tennis elbow. The logistic and the probit diseased probability (DP) models were established for the VAS score and EMG absolute voltage-time histograms (AVTH). TV50 is the threshold equivalent uniform voltage predicting a 50% risk of disease. Twenty-one out of 78 samples (27%) developed VAS 3+ tenderness of tennis elbow reported by the subject and confirmed by the physician. The fitted DP parameters were TV50 = 153.0 mV (CI: 136.3–169.7 mV), γ 50 = 0.84 (CI: 0.78–0.90) and TV50 = 155.6 mV (CI: 138.9–172.4 mV), m = 0.54 (CI: 0.49–0.59) for logistic and probit models, respectively. When the EUV ≥ 153 mV, the DP of the patient is greater than 50% and vice versa.

The logistic and the probit models are valuable tools to predict the DP of VAS 3+ tenderness of tennis elbow. PMID:26380281. Sharma, Andy 2017-06-01 The purpose of this study was to showcase an advanced methodological approach to model disability and institutional entry. Both of these are important areas to investigate given the on-going aging of the United States population. By 2020, approximately 15% of the population will be 65 years and older. Many of these older adults will experience disability and require formal care. A probit analysis was employed to determine which disabilities were associated with admission into an institution (i.e.

Long-term care). Since this framework imposes strong distributional assumptions, misspecification leads to inconsistent estimators. To overcome such a short-coming, this analysis extended the probit framework by employing an advanced semi-nonparamertic maximum likelihood estimation utilizing Hermite polynomial expansions. Specification tests show semi-nonparametric estimation is preferred over probit. In terms of the estimates, semi-nonparametric ratios equal 42 for cognitive difficulty, 64 for independent living, and 111 for self-care disability while probit yields much smaller estimates of 19, 30, and 44, respectively. Public health professionals can use these results to better understand why certain interventions have not shown promise.

Equally important, healthcare workers can use this research to evaluate which type of treatment plans may delay institutionalization and improve the quality of life for older adults. Implications for rehabilitation With on-going global aging, understanding the association between disability and institutional entry is important in devising successful rehabilitation interventions. Semi-nonparametric is preferred to probit and shows ambulatory and cognitive impairments present high risk for institutional entry (long-term care). Informal caregiving and home-based care require further examination as forms of rehabilitation/therapy for certain types of disabilities. Yiding Yue 2014-01-01 Full Text Available This paper captures the correlation between the choices of health insurance and pension insurance using the bivariate probit model and then studies the effect of wealth and health on insurance choice.

Our empirical evidence shows that people who participate in a health care program are more likely to participate in a pension plan at the same time, while wealth and health have different effects on the choices of the health care program and the pension program. Generally, the higher an individual’s wealth level is, the more likelihood he will participate in a health care program; but wealth has no effect on the participation of pension.

Health status has opposite effects on choices of health care programs and pension plans; the poorer an individual’s health is, the more likely he is to participate in health care programs, while the better health he enjoys, the more likely he is to participate in pension plans. When the investigation scope narrows down to commercial insurance, there is only a significant effect of health status on commercial health insurance. The commercial insurance choice and the insurance choice of the agricultural population are more complicated. Zhang, Yongsheng; Wei, Heng; Zheng, Kangning 2017-01-01 Considering that metro network expansion brings us with more alternative routes, it is attractive to integrate the impacts of routes set and the interdependency among alternative routes on route choice probability into route choice modeling. Therefore, the formulation, estimation and application of a constrained multinomial probit (CMNP) route choice model in the metro network are carried out in this paper.

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The utility function is formulated as three components: the compensatory component is a function of influencing factors; the non-compensatory component measures the impacts of routes set on utility; following a multivariate normal distribution, the covariance of error component is structured into three parts, representing the correlation among routes, the transfer variance of route, and the unobserved variance respectively. Considering multidimensional integrals of the multivariate normal probability density function, the CMNP model is rewritten as Hierarchical Bayes formula and M-H sampling algorithm based Monte Carlo Markov Chain approach is constructed to estimate all parameters. Based on Guangzhou Metro data, reliable estimation results are gained. Furthermore, the proposed CMNP model also shows a good forecasting performance for the route choice probabilities calculation and a good application performance for transfer flow volume prediction. PMID:28591188. Kaplan, Sigal; Prato, Carlo Giacomo ' propensity to engage in various corrective maneuvers in the case of the critical event of vehicle travelling. Five lateral and speed control maneuvers are considered: “braking”, “steering”, “braking & steering”, and “other maneuvers”, in addition to a “no action” option.

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The analyzed data are retrieved from. The United States National Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System (GES) crash database for the years 2005-2009. Results show (i) the correlation between crash avoidance maneuvers and crash severity, and (ii) the link between drivers' attributes, risky driving behavior, road characteristics. Amaral, Andrea; Abreu, Margarida; Mendes, Victor 2014-12-01 We use a spatial Probit model to study the effect of contagion between banking systems of different countries.

Applied to the late 1990s banking crisis in Asia we show that the phenomena of contagion is better seized using a spatial than a traditional Probit model. Unlike the latter, the spatial Probit model allows one to consider the cascade of cross and feedback effects of contagion that result from the outbreak of one initial crisis in one country or system. These contagion effects may result either from business connections between institutions of different countries or from institutional similarities between banking systems.